Appliance and furniture manufacturers decreased production in March 2012 for the first time in several months. The decrease in production followed a 3.4 percent manufacturing gain from December 2011 through February 2012, the biggest three month gain since March of 1984. Car manufacturing increased .6 percent in March 2012. Auto makers reported sales in the first quarter of 2012 at the fastest pace in four years. The technology industry has also reported recent gains in manufacturing. The manufacturing gains in the past several months contributed to the largest economic steps towards climbing out of the recession since June 2009.
If you or a loved one has sustained personal injuries or wrongful death damages while on the job in Massachusetts, please call our Boston, Massachusetts worker’s compensation lawyer specialists, Boston, MA personal injury lawyer advocates or Boston, MA wrongful death lawyer experts at our full service Boston, MA law office today. Our Boston, MA worker’s compensation lawyer experts have garnered a well-deserved national reputation for obtaining some of the highest personal injury damages awards for our Massachusetts worker’s compensation benefits clients. Our Boston, MA lawyer professionals and Boston personal injury lawyer specialists will work diligently on your behalf to obtain the full and fair personal injury damages that you deserve.
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