Every year, thousands of workers are hurt in preventable workplace accidents. Worker’s compensation claims are a means of making employees whole again after suffering such an injury. If you or a loved has experienced a workplace injury, you may be entitled to significant monetary relief. Act now and contact one of our expert worker’s compensation lawyers at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates to discuss your potential claim. Call us today at 617-787-3700 or email us at info@gilhoylaw.com for your free and private consultation. Your needs are our top priority!
When, in 2006, Jerold Colwell was injured while carrying heavy steel at his job at New England Linen Supply, Co., he made a successful worker’s compensation claim for $45,000 to cover the surgery. Over ten years later, however, his back pain returned, causing him to take further legal action against the company. Represented by Alexander Sarris of Cicchiello and Cicchiello, of Hartford, Connecticut, Colwell sought to prove a connection between his 2006 injury and the pain he was experiencing ten years later. New England Linen and Colwell eventually settled for $390,000 after an MRI revealed that his back had been growing increasingly worse since the 2006 injury. $300,000 of the settlement is designated for medical expenses, while the rest has no strings attached.