If you suffer an injury while working that was the result of the negligence of a third party, then you may be eligible to recover any damages that resulted from the injuries. While filing a third party claim or a worker’s compensation personal injury claim is complicated, our team of highly skilled and respected worker’s compensation lawyers and personal injury lawyer experts here at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates will help guide you through the process to make sure you receive just and fair compensation for your injuries and pain and suffering.
The Collier County, Florida School Board has paid $100,000 to settle a worker’s compensation lawsuit over injuries inflicted on a bus driver from a student who punched the driver in his left eye. The settlement was reached in November and the bus Driver, Jonas Francoeur, resigned the following month.
Collier schools spokesman Greg Turchetta said the funds came out of the district’s workers compensation program, a self-insured program with a budget of roughly $1.4 million. Mr. Francoeur, 57 years-old, began working at the district as a substitute bus driver in 2008 and transitioned to full time in 2013.
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident while working, you may be entitled to substantial compensation for your pain and suffering, outstanding medical expenses and lost wages. Please contact one of our expert personal injury lawyers or a worker’s compensation attorney specialist here at our Boston, Massachusetts law firm by phone at 617-787-3700 or email us at info@gilhoylaw.com for a free and confidential consultation. Your needs are our top priority!